Our Noble Gift 2023

With joy, I want to say that this year we are participating in the Noble Box initiative for the third time. I believe this initiative needs no introduction. It will be immensely gratifying for us to gift our family with your help!

About the Noble Gift: 

The Christmas Noble Gift is more than just material help for those in need. It is the recognition of their beauty and the affirmation of their importance, restoring their dignity. Thanks to such appreciation from others, they become important to themselves again and begin to change their lives. It is wise assistance, and I hope you will want to participate in this beautiful gesture with us!

Here is information about our chosen family along with a list of their needs:


Important Dates: 

December 16th to 17th, our gifts must reach the warehouse, so everything needs to be assembled and packed appropriately beforehand. In the following week, thanks to a volunteer from the Noble Gift, the gifts will be delivered to our family.

How can you help? 

For our Noble Box, we need about 7,000 - 9,000 PLN.

  1. Please make deposits to the following account: ING Bank Śląski, Katarzyna Murphy, account number 47 1050 1025 1000 0090 6102 5517. In the description, be sure to write "Noble Gift," your first and last name. Please make deposits by December 3rd so we can do the shopping.

  2. You can choose items from the family's needs list (in the link above) to purchase (e.g., food, cosmetics, clothes). If you decide to help in this way, let me know what you will purchase and in what quantities (before making the purchase).

Contact me: 

Katarzyna Murphy 

Phone/SMS/WhatsApp: 787 649 031 

Email: biuro@academyoflanguage.pl 

On the Facebook group "Our Noble Gift 2023": https://www.facebook.com/groups/226779362814065/

Items you purchase can be left at our school: Academy of Language, Rydygiera 11/U7 in Żoliborz, or let me know, and we'll arrange for pick-up. 

We would like to have everything assembled by December 3rd to count and pack nicely.

If we have any surplus, we will first try to buy something extra for our family that they dream of but didn't request in the box, or the amount will be donated to the Noble Box account.

You can help in both ways at the same time.

Share this information with family and friends; we invite everyone willing to join our Noble Gift!

Join our Facebook group - Our Noble Gift 2023 and invite your friends: https://www.facebook.com/groups/226779362814065/
Here, you can ask any questions and choose a gift you would like to buy for the family. I will also share information about how much funds and gifts we have collected and what we are buying for them.

Share this website address with family, friends, and neighbors: www.naszaszlachetnapaczka2021.pl

After the campaign, we post photos of the gifts you provided/purchased along with a report on delivering them to the warehouse on our group. The volunteer also always sends photos of gifting the family - we also post them on the group.

If you have any questions, feel free to write or call me using the contact information above. I hope you will participate in our campaign and give Agnieszka and Maja the most beautiful Christmas and New Year in the world, full of faith in good people and new possibilities!

Thank you! Kasia Murphy, Academy of Language

Noble Gift

Thank you for supporting our Noble Gift. Kasia Murphy